Register for a MultiTech ID

* - Denotes required fields. Optional fields can be updated later from the "my account" page.



First Name:*
Last Name:*
Company Name:*
Primary E-mail Address:*  (please don't use an address that always auto-replies or always auto-generates support tickets)
Confirm E-mail Address:*
Country:* (IP Geolocation by geoPlugin)
Password:* (at least 6 but no more than 32 characters)
Confirm Password:*
Do you agree?:*  
   ← Click here to register and a verification e-mail will be sent to your Primary E-mail Address from

OPTIONAL — Contact Information

The following extra contact information is helpful for us when contacting you or if you respond to support cases via e-mail using other e-mail addresses/aliases.
Job Title:
Primary Phone: Ext.
Phone2: Ext.
Phone3: Ext.
Replies via e-mail to support cases from unknown e-mail addresses will be rejected. If your e-mail address has multiple aliases or you reply from other addresses, then add them below.
E-mail Address 2:
E-mail Address 3:

OPTIONAL — Location Information

It helps us to know roughly where in the world you are located so that we can adjust our support response timing. For example, if you are in Europe, then we'll try to respond before 11 AM Central Time. If you are in the Eastern USA time zone, then we'll try to respond to you before 4 PM Central Time. If you are in the Western USA time zone, then we'll try to be available a little later in the day if necessary.
Address Line1:
Street address, P.O. box, c/o
Address Line2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
ZIP/Postal Code:

Registration Example Video

This video explains how to register for an account on the MultiTech Product Support Portal. The example company, domain name, e-mail addresses, and people depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, domain name, e-mail address, or person is intended or should be inferred.

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